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ISDE Brochure Printable, informative brochure on the mission and projects of ISDE. PowerPoint 62 KB
Silicon Amnesia Dr. Rob Baumann’s presentation on “Silicon Amnesia” that he gave at VU, courtesy of Texas Instruments. ZIP 115 MB
SOI Video Tutorial A three-part tutorial presented by Dr. Sorin Cristoloveanu, “SOI Technologies: Materials, Devices, Characterization, and Ultimate MOSFET Architectures.” Running time is 3 hours, 22 minutes. Quicktime required to view. ZIP 516 MB
2004 MURI Presentations from the 2004 MURI, held August 16-17 2004 at Vanderbilt University. ZIP 44.8 MB
2005 MURI Presentations from the 2005 MURI Kick-off, held May 9-10 2005 at Vanderbilt University. 41.6 MB
2006 MURI Presentations for the 2006 MURI Review, held June 13-14, 2006 at Vanderbilt University. 110 MB
2007 MURI Presentations from the 2007 MURI Review, held June 14 – 15, 2007 at Vanderbilt University 98.4 MB
2008 MURI Presentations from the 2008 MURI Review, held May 13 – 14, 2008 at Vanderbilt University
2009 MURI Presentations from the 2009 MURI Review, held June 10 – 11, 2009 at Vanderbilt University
2010 MURI Presentations from the 2010 MURI Review, held May 25th, 2010 at Vanderbilt University
Application for Graduate Research Positions This application form should be used for all ISDE graduate assistant and post-doctoral graduate associate positions. Word 1.6 MB
NEPP Review Presentations for the November 15, 2007 NEPP review held at the ISDE Offices, Vanderbilt University.
NASA GSFC Final Report for GSFC Grant 17 MB
DTRA 6.1 Kick Off Meeting Presentations for the DTRA Kick-Off Meeting held on the Vanderbilt Campus, May 12, 2008.
NSREC 2008 Fundamental Mechanisms for Single Particle-Induced Soft Errors, NSREC Short Course, July 14, 2008 PowerPoint 16.8 MB