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Logging Into a Machine and Running Cadence
- Login
To use the Cadence software, you will need to login to your account on one of the Sun machines in the computer lab.
- Get the Host Computer Name
Once OpenWindows has started type hostname at the command prompt of the terminal window. This will print the name of the computer you are using. If OpenWindows does not start, you will need to configure your account to start OpenWindows when you login. There is also a possibility that the computer you are using does not have OpenWindows installed. Check to make sure your login is configured correctly and check to make sure the computer has OpenWindows installed.
- Connect to the Cadence Serverxhost + mises.vuse.vanderbilt.edussh2 mises.vuse.vanderbilt.edu -l <your VUSE user name>
Once you have logged in, you must connect to the computer that is running Cadence. In our computer lab, the computer mises is running the Cadence software. Try not to use this computer from the console when running Cadence. This will make it easier for other to use Cadence as well. At the command prompt in the terminal window type the following commands:
This will add mises to the list of computers that has access to the display of the computer you are using.
The computer will most likely check to make sure you want to connect, type yes. You will then be asked for your password. This should connect you to mises.
- The next step is to change the DISPLAY variable.
- If you are using csh type
setenv DISPLAY <hostname>:0
- If you are suing bash type
export DISPLAY=<hostname>:0
<hostname> is the name of the computer from step 2.
- Finally, run the alias that starts a new terminal window and sets the environment variables for using Cadence.cadence &
- Change to your home directory:
cd ~/
- Change to your working directory:
cd <working directory>
When the new terminal window opens, minimize the previous terminal window.
Starting the Cadence Software
- The easiest way to start the Cadence software is to type icfb & at the command prompt. The “&” is used here to put the application into the background so that the terminal window can still be used. The documentation for Cadence can be used by typing cdsdoc & at the command prompt.
- When the software starts, two windows will be opened, the Command Interpreter Window (CIW) and the Library Manager. When the documentation is opened, a list of topics is brought up that can be viewed with a browser.
- Once the software is started, you are ready to start the tutorial.
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